Thursday, May 15, 2008

May the Sprits of the Earth Guide You!

Today was awesome. I am done with this first year of collage. Sold mah books, turned in some papers, took care of other errands. THEN! Natalie and I ate hotdogs with cheese and it was real good. THEN! We met up with Lauren and John, we went to Sweet Cakes. I loveeeee cupcakes. I'll miss John, he is leaving for the summer. Lauren, Natalie, and I then shopped around Wicker Park. Converted them to my favorite vintage store, we all loved it but we are too cheap. We took in a photo at Reckless, such a funny photobooth photo! Then we went to Target. haha I just love friendz and da city. Right now Natalie and I are watching Pocahantas. It is so good. Go Disney.

Tomorrow is Manifest, which means free food. Probably more Disney watching. Then Saturday, I go back to Ohio for sum funz.

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Miss New Booty

Sorry I haven't blogged in a while. I've been too busy BONING OUT. Saw Rooney twice, saw M.I.A., made a new youtube account, and just have been generally enjoying life too much to sit down and relate it to people on the internet.

Here are so links to see some pictures and video.
*Video Blog:
*more videos:

This week will be freakin' out about finals I haven't been studing for and I hope the fun will continue. The next week I am going back to Ohio, chillin' wit mah peeps. Next weekend is hanging out in a parking lot with Phantom Planet.