Today, my phone broke. It is like my first born child that grew up and got uncute died and I never got the chance to remind him that I loved him still.
I awoke to a call from Richard. I was all, "F it, I am still sleeping!" and put it to voicemail. I listened to that voicemail, something about hanging out. I got excited but still fell asleep, but not before I knocked the phone off my bed into a cup of water. I took the phone out of the water and foolishly thought it was okay and THEN I fell asleep. I awoke again to a angry black screened but still vibrating phone. It was dying.
So I decided to trek to the nearest verizon provider to see what I could do about my baby. They told me to put him in some rice. So I guess tomorrow I am gonna go get some rice. I guess that drys it out? And reactivated my old phone. MY OLD PHONE SUCKS. It is sooo hard to text and push any buttons and I am so upset.
So upset I decided to go to El Pollo Loco. Now I have queso sauce all over my bed.
In conclusion, I probably won't text much until a miracle shines down upon me and fixes my phone. Or I just get pissed and buy a new phone with money I don't have.
The train ride home smelled like vomit. It was awful.