Sunday, March 30, 2008

Lonesome Town

I got back from Ohio with ease. First time EVER. Ohio was fun(ish), I got to see some much needed friendly faces. I also ate, slept, and read most the whole time.

Natalie has left for a month, off to LA to rub elbows with the cute Canadian Jews. I'd very much like to visit her, but I am broke and have to go to dumb ole school. WHY DO I HAVE TO HAVE EDUCATION? It is so much more fun without it.

So far without her, I have napped and ate Chex Mix. This will probably be an everyday occurance now. Hah! But I decided I need to make a weekly routine. Atleast remember to do my homework and not be SUCH a lazy ass.

I hope to hang out with new friendsssss and Richard. Maybe Mallory. Maybe Brooke, my BFFZ will visit? I can only hope!

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