Jacque and I went to the secret (but not so secret since we knew about it) Sleeptalkers and Ezra Furman show. It was a pretty good time. Evanston is a cute little town. The bands were good. Jacque and I talked alot about recent cutie timez. After the show it was a full blown slumber party with McDonald's, pony tails, and conspiracy theories. And a new plan to go to France.
The next day I got to see John at Molly's. I missed him ever much so! We ate cupcakes and dived for records. I need a record player so I can buy nothing but Rolling Stone records and "Just Another Diamond Day" to listen to repeatedly. Oh I could buy them anyway and go to John's.
Roger comes in 3 days. I have some serious room cleaning to do today, but I already know I won't do it. I have no motivation yet, I will probably clean the day before he comes. It is the smarter idea anyway because I have been known to trash a room in only a few minutes. I will instead go buy the following for their arrival: toilet paper, hand soap, batteries, and candy (for me to eat right now.)
This may be the first blog in a long time that I didn't just blog to whine. Not positive though, I need to re-read what I just wrote.
The picture-postin' feature isn't working for me. Go to my flickr!